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SM exclusions

To: <>
Subject: SM exclusions
From: "The Christianson's" <>
Date: Sun, 3 Dec 2000 17:14:09 -0600
The conversation went like this.....

>How about taking a Herald, dropping in a 3.5 litre V/8 from a
>Triumph TR8
>and pumping it up with the available go-fast parts?

>Hmmm. Depends on how long you expect it to run before terminal
>meltdown.  ;<)

I think it will last....Did you happen to see George Bowland in the Wasdahl
 EM Sprite at Nationals?  (If you blinked you probably missed him)  That is
the motor Larry is talking about.  Oh yea it couldn't it  also be used in a
Vega?....Depends on what you want to call it Buick, Olds, Rover. :<)

Jeff (need more speed) Christianson
#65 EM

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