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Re: SP Proposal

To: "Scotty *BOB* White" <>,
Subject: Re: SP Proposal
From: "Jay Mitchell" <>
Date: Fri, 2 Apr 1999 12:33:24 -0600
Scotty sez:

 >  The problem is the skill level of those currently driving
Elans is
>nowhere near the level of Curt O or Shaunna M, (IMNSHO)

And, I might point out, your NSHO isn't necessarily shared by
every observer. In any case, if the Elan can make a poor driver
win as you claim, why wouldn't a really GOOD driver buy one and
then REALLY stomp everybody's butt? So far, it's clear from
Nationals results that at least three cars - the 911, the RX7tt,
and the Elan - have the POTENTIAL to win ASP. That's what
classing is about: CAR POTENTIAL. It just hasn't been shown that
the Elan's potential is a class higher than the potential of the
other two cars.

> yet the Elans seem
>to beat them almost every time

"Almost every time" is not true. ONE Elan finishing first ahead
of the RX7tt at one Nationals - 1997 - is not the same as the
"Elans beating them every time," now, is it? In the last three
years at Nationals, the TriPoint car has won two. Not exactly
what I'd call domination of the class by Lotuses.


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