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Re: SP Proposal

To: "Scotty *BOB* White" <>,
Subject: Re: SP Proposal
From: "Jay Mitchell" <>
Date: Fri, 2 Apr 1999 11:27:52 -0600
Scotty said:

>   BSP is doin just fine thanx, plenty of entrys and more comin
all the

I thought you'd a said that. Can't say as I disagree....

> If you think it's a good idea to run the 911s against the
plastic BIG
>cars, well.... Let me introduce you to Curt Ormiston!

Bingo. Claims that ASP is "dominated" by Elans are just not true.
Of the top four finishers at Nationals in 98, there were two
Elans, one RX7tt, and one 911. Curt was around .8 seconds off of
the first place time, and the spread between 1st and 4th in BSP
was pretty similar. It sure looks to me like a 911 can be
competitive in ASP. And, if the potential is there, you shouldn't
reward the other 911 drivers just because they haven't figured
out how to achieve that potential.

> Vipers? Bring 'em on

Even though you put in a smiley, I'd say a Viper better fits the
"typical" BSP profile than ASP.

ASP had 18 entries last fall, and, if I remember correctly, the
trend there is up. It ain't broke, therefore, let's not try to
fix it.


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