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re: C stock in 2000

Subject: re: C stock in 2000
From: Dave Hillman <>
Date: Fri, 5 Feb 1999 11:14:56 -0600 (CST)
Randy Chase wrote...
> I think it would be easier for a new driver to drive the Miata nearer
> the limit. Want to see a spin-fest? Watch a bunch of newbie MR2
> autocrossers. 8-)

   Well it took me 4 events in our MR2 before I spun it, but then I did it
3 times, and once more the next event.

   OTOH, I spun the 1.8 Miata I borrowed the first day, but only once.  I was 
faster 'out of the box' in the Miata, but the MR2 is more fun and more

   One more data point.  My fiancee is far faster, and more confident, in
the MR2, than she was in either the Miata or any other car she's
autocrossed.  Despite still having more seat time in the Miata and
virtually no street or autocross seat time in the MR2.

   Given all that, I think it is a personal preference.  I would recommend
borrowing one of each, which shouldn't be hard, and trying them.

 D a v i d  H i l l m a n
 nma, scca, scscc, aroc, imoc

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