Sounds prety cool to me. What kinda car's would be rented? Would there be
time alotted for "pit stops" to check the car out and maybe change tires?
John Moore
1993 Toyota MR2 NA (CS #55)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Scott Johnson []
> Sent: Friday, February 05, 1999 9:09 AM
> To:
> Subject: 24 hour auto-x
> Get 6 identical rental cars, with teams of 10 people per car. Send the
> cars off at 2 minute intervals for 12/24 hours straight, and allow a team
> to pass on a maximum of 10 runs for a 5-10 second penalty per run missed.
> Every team member gets at least five runs. You could set up two 12 hour
> teams of five drivers a hour, or just let everyone run for an hour
> straight,
> saving your two best drivers for the end (or whenever).
> I think more than six cars would require two courses, but this would just
> allow you the chance to make them _totally_ different, and have everyone
> switch at the halfway point.
> This allows the cool driver and car management tactics of endurance
> racing, without anyone's car getting torn up. :-) Also create immediate
> disqualification if any team member fails to show up to work.
> Anyone else like this idea?
> -Scott A Johnson
> SS 87 325is