To clarify my point, I wouldn't use ANY racing pad for ANY street driven car.
The Black pads I use have extremely poor performance until they're hot,
which takes about a lap, or at least two or three hard applications.
Consider how well you're going to stop when the a**hole in front of you on
the 401 chops into your lane and you have to go from a steady, calm cruise
at 110 Kph to full stop mode instantly. With my experience of Black pads,
you'll be wearing the A**holes bumper! The Black pads are far far worse
than stock pads at cold braking.
I'd postulate that one reason the Blue pads give reasonable cold performance
coupled with good hot performance and high disc wear is a highly agressive
compound. the Blacks seem to trade off aggression for poorer cold
performance coupled with good hot performance, and kinder disc wear. Carbon
Performance makes pads that are designed for police cars and taxis, etc,
which would probably be ideal for your application - excellent hot braking,
excellent cold performance, long life, etc.
Cheers, Brian
At 10:37 AM 5/11/99 -0400, you wrote:
>Racing is an exercise in converting money into heat, noise and fear, with
>the victor being the one who converts the most money the fastest. With that
>as your guiding principle, they work great.
>A good racer AND philosopher! I'll borrow that if I can, since it seems
>you've successfully rationalized man-kind's most stupendously cash consuming
>leisure time activity.
>Blue pads are pretty aggressive, heat up slow, and take out discs, but they
>really stop the car. I run Black pads in my sports racer, and they seem
>kinder to the discs. For your application, I personally would get street
>pads ( I don't know if Hawke makes some, but Carbon Friction probably do),
>and not run racing pads at all. That might help your brake balance problem,
>In my experience, race cars and street cars are solving two different
>problems, so what works on the track sometimes isn't great for the street.
>Well, my car now goes only 1000mi p.a. - not a daily driver, so streetabilty
>is a diminishing concern. But I'll go to the blacks: at this rate of wear
>with the blues, it'll be 2 rotors for every set of pads ... wrong way
>around, right!
Brian Evans
Director, Global Sales
UUNET, An MCI WorldCom Company