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Fwd: Re[2]: By the way....

To:, vintage-race@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Fwd: Re[2]: By the way....
Date: Thu, 25 Sep 1997 01:29:38 -0400 (EDT)
Forwarded message:
From:   mdunst@smtplink.Coh.ORG (Dunst, Mordecai)
Date: 97-09-24 20:32:50 EDT

     I can see the buisness end of permitting very expensive cars to run
     for no fee  IF this would have a dramatic impact on spectator turn-out 
     and $ for the clubs' coffers.... 
     I personally, do not see this as an issue for this event.  It was 
     billed as a Cobra Challange and a F5000 reunion (or something like 
     that).  So what if 12 Cobras vs. 25 ran in their group.  If the 
     enticement of "no entry fee" made the minds up of those with racing
     Cobras to race or not to race (with a car valued at $250,000) that's
     pretty sad.  Now, if the primary sponsor, Ford Motor, subsidised their
     entry I think that would just be fine. As it stands I guess that about 
     40 cars were given grattis entry... 
     I don't mind subsidising other groups to run for free IF there is a
     commensurate or better reward later on.  If I'm going to invest in
     something I want a return.  I'm not that altruistic.....     

     Mordy (you can print this)
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Subject: Re: By the way....
Author: at INTERNET
Date:    9/24/97 4:35 PM

In a message dated 97-09-24 14:40:19 EDT, you write:
<<     Did you know that for the LAGP all entrants with Cobra's and F5000/F1
      did not have to pay any entry fee?  Their entry fee was not covered 
      by the promoter of the event but subsidised by VARA.  The purpose 
      was to "ensure an addequate turn-out for the "show" and promotion of 
      the race".  I just found out about this last night and am not very 
      happy about it...  Any comment >>
Would you object to my putting this on the net ? I'm personally steamed ! 

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