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Mordy writes:
"2) Yes, it bothers me that favoritism is given to Big Bore (read LOUD)cars
general. People like noise...and RISK. The promoters of events know
demographics and will play up to this. i.e. NASCAR promotors know this and=
take it to the bank weekly if not daily."
Someone from either Ford or VARA was making the rounds at the Monterey
Historics and offering Shelby owners, Cobras and GT350s free entries to the
Grand Prix. Did this bother me? Hell no! If a promoter has spent the bux
advertise and promote an event and needs to provide a little juice to get
feature cars there, I see no problemo. In this case, Carroll Shelby was the=
Grand Mukymuk of the LAGP and getting Shelby cars there was important to the=
I took a pass on that event as it looked to me like a potential crashfest(it=
was), what with lots of cement to run into and too much for green drivers to=
digest...(new circuit, lotsa spectators, etc.)
IMHO,organizers and vintage groups are responsible for providing a safe,
organized venue for us to run at. I don't ask any more than that. If it's
not safe or not organized or has any other issues that turn me off such as
cost, run groupings that don't work well, lax class rule enforcement,
etc.....then I cast my vote by not going or not going back to the next one.
Let the market decide.......
1966 Porsche 912 D/P
1964 Corvette F.I. B/P loudster
Date: 25 Sep 97 04:35:07
From:"Dunst, Mordecai" <mdunst@smtplink.Coh.ORG>
To:CLCSF@aol.com, owner-vintage-race@autox.team.net, MHKitchen@aol.com,
vintage-race@autox.team.net, S800Racer@aol.com
Subject:Re[2]: Fwd: Re[2]: By the way....
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There are several issuse here-
1) As a member of a Vintage club I put my trust in the Board of Directors
to lead and make decisions. Most of those decisions have to (by virtue of
their urgency..) take place at a board meeting and can not be sent for
general membership approval. I understand that they act in the best interest
of the club. Not all decicions are popular. This is just another point on
the learning curve. I hope the Board Does not need many such points.
2) Yes, it bothers me that favoritism is given to Big Bore (read LOUD)
cars in general. People like noise...and RISK. The promoters of events kno=
demographics and will play up to this. i.e. NASCAR promotors know this
and take it to the bank weekly if not daily.
3) Vintage racing is "MORPHING" and we are part of it. Some of us don't
change others dream of it. What will 'vintage' be in twenty years..? Once
we know that all else will be simplified.
4) Directing a large vintage club is very time intensive and often times not
fun. I personally see a conmpromise. I want to "arrive and drive". Therefor=
I willingly give the board permisssion to do what it has to to make the venu=
happen -since I don't have the time to do it myself. See #1, not all
decisions are popular.
______________________________ Reply Separator
Subject: Re: Fwd: Re[2]: By the way....
Author: S800Racer@aol.com at INTERNET
Date: 9/25/97 10:38 AM
Several years ago I went nuts (although some say I have always been a littl=
off!) when I saw a reference in a magazine about organizers paying towing
of some Can-Am owners "to insure a quality field" of those cars at an event
where they were to be featured. I wrote a letter that was published in
Victory Lane and said that it insults the intelligence to think that any
owners of very expensive machinery need help with towing expenses! It is
an insult to the other 200-300 entrants that make the event possible, as if
imply that they are not important. I'll bet that the MG and Triumph guys
never get a free entry or towing expenses paid when their marque is featured!
This is an issue that needs to be addressed again. We hear the organizers
cry and moan that they are losing money and then we find out that they had
enough cash to let 40 or so of the wealthier owners come to an event gratis!
That works out to about $10,000 at $250 per entry. If this incentive
persuades those guys to come to an event it is not because they need the
money, it is because they like to have their ego stroked. I agree with
that I don't want to subsidize the ego stroking of wealthy owners. (I don't=
hate all wealthy car owners. I have met some very nice ones and I am aware
that some are very generous contributors, sponsoring track parties and such)
Vintage racing is a growing industry. Entries are up at most events, more
fans are coming (and paying) to watch the events and corporate sponsors are
beginning to have more presence at more events as well. If an organization
wants to have loyal members and be successful with big entries, I believe
they should show the rank and file that they value our participation as much=
as the rich guys with expensive cars. If the organizer had $10,000 to pass
out, why not pass it around to ALL ENTRANTS. Wouldn't you have a warm fuzzy=
about that event and organization if they refunded $40 or $50 of your entry?
Wouldn't you be more likely to go to one of their events again?
Does all this sound socialist? I don't think it is. We (rank and file
owners) are the market (in terms of entry fees) and also the product (by
using our cars to put on the show). Market share and quality product are
important to the vintage race organizers. It is in their best interest to
establish some 'brand loyalty' and put out a good product. I am suggesting
that they can further these goals by making their events more financially
attractive to all entrants, so you see it's all very capitolist.
So, let's get the torches and pitchforks and march to the doors of the
organizers demanding immediate reforms. If they refuse, we will begin a
terrorist campaign promising that at least one british motor (I don't have
enough parts to sacrifice mine!) will self destruct and oil up the track
during every session! Hmm, do you think they would notice any change? I'll=
think of something else. Maybe we should unionize.
Your humble rabble rousing writer,
Doug Meis - Team Escargot
1967 Honda S800