> Dan Scharpf wrote:
> > I got the car rolling when I went to pack it up at Christmas, and it has
> > a lot of extra parts with it: 4 transmissions 8 doors 2 hoods 6 front
> > fenders 1 extra spare tire cover panel 1 extra seat TR3 front apron rear
> > differntial 3 sets of carbs and manifolds an extra head 9 side curtains
> > 2 radiators 3 sets of bumpers an extra steering wheel an extra
> > instrument panel with some gauges and boxes of assorted brackets, bolts
> > and misc parts
> Hey Brad, Someone has been rummaging around your
> garage!!!!! 8^)
> Joe
I guess I better go out there and see! I never know what slips into the
garage at night. Seems like if you have to Triumphs in the garage you start
ending up with little Triumphs running around all over the place!!
Brad (Lincoln Nebraska 402-464-1502)
My Web Site Http://www.141.com/triumphs (updated 12/3/98)
1964 Spitfire4 BFC25720L -- 1973 Spitfire 1500 FM3353U
1962 TR4 CT288L -- 1959 TR3A TS41311L
1951 Dodge Truck B-3-B-108