OK, so, prolonging the dwell, so to speak, of this distributor mod, what
are its pros and cons?
- Bob Mann, '69 2000 Solex
Eric Frisbee wrote:
> Hey Gang!
> This is a shameless plug for what I consider to be one of the best
> modifications you can do to your roadster! Gary Boone, WyCROCer, SCCA
> Solo 2 racer, mechanical engineer, and all around roadster nut has modified
> a number of newer Nissan distributors for use in our beloved Datsun
> roadsters! They are on Ebay at
> http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/aw-cgi/ebayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=594943221&;
> r=0&t=0. It kinda looks like he went VERY indepth in his description of
> the distributors (typical engineer.. haha!).
> So far, three WyCROCers have these distributors on our cars... myself, Dan
> Neff, and Donald Swenson. Two more will be installed shortly. Any
> questions as to performance, please write and ask!
> Eric
R.W. Mann & Company, Inc. > Airline Industry Analysis and Consulting
Port Washington, NY 11050 > tel 516-944-0900, fax 516-944-7280
mailto:info@RWMann.com > URL http://www.RWMann.com/