The roadster trannies will fit as you have the exact same engine as a
1600. My aunt had one and I did some work on it.
On Wed, 24 May 2000 15:41:23 -0700 "Lucian D. Tielens"
<> writes:
> Hey there...
> Although I am not yet fortunate enough to own a roadster, I got a
> little
> closer (in spirit) recently with the purchase of a 1967 RL411SSS.
> The
> car unfortunately has a Borg Warner automatic, which I would very
> much
> like to replace with a stock 4-speed. This raises some questions:
> Is
> the 4-speed used in the 'regular' 400-series the same as that used
> in
> the SSS? If not, is it interchangeable? Is the 510 4-speed an
> option?
> Will (as I hope) the Roadster 4-speed bolt right up? I'm certain
> that
> different adapter plates (at least) would be involved--how much more
> I
> don't know. Any input would be appreciated.
> Regards,
> Lucian Tielens