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Re: Informal Poll on "sort of" pre-reg. for autox !

To: Randy Noll <>
Subject: Re: Informal Poll on "sort of" pre-reg. for autox !
From: "John J. Stimson-III" <>
Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2001 12:18:31 -0800
> Here's the kicker, with the software you can get instantaneous results,
> including PAX times, printed immediately after the run group (shoot at
> nats they were posting times between runs--but that's not necessary).
> You can electronically post the results to the web THAT DAY, no
> transcribing times from each card to the results table. Any errors or
> incorrect cones, etc. can be handled and corrected on site at the reg
> table (remember, computers are linked). 

Sacramento chapter has taken a step towards this in allowing the timer
to enter the car number and class in the timing computer so that it
gets printed out with the times on the printer.  It's difficult to get
things straightened out if the run order somehow gets screwed up --
say someone pulls in line for a re-run, or someone sneaks out of line
for some reason.  Good software would make it easy to edit the list of
cars that are lined up, or correct recording errors.  You just have to
make sure that the software is *good* rather than just software that

--                                              John Stimson                              HMC Physics '94

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