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Re: Time for a new SCCA logo

To: Eric Linnhoff <>
Subject: Re: Time for a new SCCA logo
From: Reijo Silvennoinen <>
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2001 23:21:17 -0700
Eric Linnhoff wrote:

> What's a 510?  Seriously, outside of the SCCA I've never seen one in the
> midwest.  Ever.  Not even at the hot rod/custom car shows.  And I definitely
> "get around" enough.  Must be a coastal thing.

Bunch of 'em around here......check out our web site photos at :

Rally, solo, etc.  Just the other day, a gal sent an email interested in getting
involved in car shows and such - she has a '72 510 that is mint with 38,000
original miles - says it still smells like new inside.


Reijo Silvennoinen, P.Eng.
President, CSCC
CSCC Nat'l Event Rep.
Calgary, Alberta
Calgary Sports Car Club (CSCC) web site:
Canadian National Autoslalom Championship (CNAC) list:
CNAC Web Site:

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