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Re: Eastern USA?

Subject: Re: Eastern USA?
From: "Arthur Emerson" <>
Date: Sat, 06 Jan 2001 23:28:07
"Steven Volpp" <> wrote:
>Does anyone know where the "Eastern USA" that is listed on
>the SCCA web site will be?

I assume that you're talking about the ProSolo schedule.

My guess is that with the Harrisburg site loss, the SCCA
is hoping that somebody close to New England/NEDIV will step
up to the plate and bid an event to replace it.  So far,
nobody has AFAIK.  They allegedly have a CENDIV bid to host
it at Oscoda, Michigan if nothing in NEDIV pops up.  Both
New York and Northern NJ regions have expressed an interest
in hosting this ProSolo, but neither has a site that can
accomodate a ProSolo right now..... :-(

-Arthur ("Might be crossing Pennsylvania twice for Pro's" edition.)


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