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Re: Starting Problem

Subject: Re: Starting Problem
Date: Tue, 13 Mar 2001 12:14:12 EST
In a message dated 12-Mar-01 21:39:27 Eastern Standard Time, writes:

> So here's something I've been wondering about.  Do coils get
> weaker with age?  They have no moving parts, and you'd think that
> they'd either work or not.

Yes, they do.  And No to the "either work or not."  BTDT in '68.  TR4 would 
only start by bieng pushed or rolled downhill.  When the engine was still hot 
however, it started fine.  It also ran fine.

Spent much time and money replacing almost the whole ignition system.  
Ignored testing the coil (faulty logic, similar to your thinking above, on my 
part).  Finally I went to a local garage one day.  Mechanic put the coil on a 
test bench and checked for output voltage.  Then he said "this is the problem 
you are having ....."  He described my problem exactly.  Seems the coil was 
putting out 12K volts instead of the 20K it was supposed to be putting out. 

Replaced the coil and bingo. 

Art Kelly '64 TR4 CT 33118L

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