Steve :
Did you :
a) Pump up fuel pressure with the lever ? (Note that it's possible for the
fuel pump to be sucking air even when the bowl appears full, pumping up fuel
pressure is one way to be sure this isn't the case.)
b) Remember to pull the choke ?
c) Check under the distributor cap for bugs (and the presence of the rotor)
A basic ignition check is real easy : just take out a plug, put the wire
back on it, and hold it on it's side on the rocker cover while you crank the
engine with the button on the starter solenoid (key on). If you can see the
spark, it's strong enough to get at least some reaction (even if it's just
cough and sputter) from the engine.
59 TR3A daily driver
Stephen Peca wrote :
> I tried to enjoy the warm day yesterday in west, central New
> Jersey thinking
> I would start up my car after its winter rest since last December. I
> couldn't start the car.
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