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Subject: Participation
From: "Jack W. Drews" <>
Date: Fri, 09 Jun 2000 11:15:14 -0500
I've been on both sides of this issue and enjoyed them both.

I restored a vehicle which won a Senior First from the Antique Auto Club
of America, a very stringent organization as far as rules of judging,
training of judges, etc. I also became a certified judge, which was a
lot of fun.

The first year of ownership was very satisfying -- going to shows,
always winning first prize, etc. The second year I got tired of sitting
under trees sipping lemonade. The third year I drove the vehicle only
300 miles, still not comfortable with big puddles and certainly not
gravel roads!!

Currently I own a TR6 that looks great and is admired by the natives but
will never win anything at all in a show, and I understand why. However,
last year we drove it 15,000 miles, from Illinois to Florida, from
Illinois to Maine, from Illinois to Oklahoma, and when the little boys
in the neighborhood drop by, I let them sit in it (dirty old man leading
our youth astray heh heh) and wash the handprints off later.

I'll never take my current drive to a show for the purpose of winning
anything, so the events have to be tailored to give guys like me some
enjoyment with other activities than on the show field.


TR6 -- 29 and still running
TR4 -- 39 and still racing
uncle jack -- yeeehaaa

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