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Re: suspicious dealings on ebay

Subject: Re: suspicious dealings on ebay
From: Randall <>
Date: Fri, 09 Jun 2000 09:13:36 -0700
Cc: Triumphs Mailing List <>
References: <a04310101b566a8cee0af@[]>

Pete & Aprille Chadwell wrote:
> And I don't understand why this lousy "Justice"
> Department thinks it has to investigate eBay for this.  It's not eBay
> that's responsible... it's the sellers and their friends.  How is
> eBay supposed to control it?

Actually, I don't believe that eBay is likely to be held liable (unless
it can be shown that they tolerated and/or assisted, which seems most
unlikely to me).  Most likely, the sellers and shill bidders will be the
ones prosecuted.

The investigation does seem a bit silly.  I'll bet somewhere in the
background there is a disgruntled bidder with friends in high places. 
J. Edgar lives !


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