I pulled next to a guy in a BMW Z3 with his top down. He was checking out
my car asking me what year it was. He said "nice car", I just smiled, I
didn't want to tell him his car was ugly!
Mark Ascherl
1981 TR8 DHC FI
Raleigh, NC
----- Original Message -----
From: "Brian Furgalus" <triumph.tr7@usa.net>
To: "Mark the Shark" <markie@gte.net>
Cc: "''Triumphs@Autox.team.net' '" <Triumphs@autox.team.net>; "Jim Hill"
<Jim_Hill@chsra.wisc.edu>; "Wedge List" <tr8@mercury.lcs.mit.edu>
Sent: Friday, June 09, 2000 11:25 AM
Subject: Re: Participation
> Mark,
> > Being a former MGB owner I'm always a little p***ed off when I pass one
> > and I wave and get nothing in return. Most LBC owners will wave no
> > what LBC your driving. Just common courtesy. There aren't that many
> > out there and when I run across one it's always a pleasure to see it on
> I know what you mean! Half the people I wave to don't return it. It's
> really quite sad. We, as a mailing list, should write up an article to
> have all the local clubs publish in their newsletters, reminding folks
> about this custom!
> > road. What I find especially irritating is when a fellow Triumph owner
> > doesn't wave. Yes, it does happen. When you own a Wedge there are
> > many Triumph owners who don't consider it a REAL Triumph. Well
> > the TR2-TR6 bodies were designed either by Michelotti or Karmann and
> > humble Wedge was designed in house by Triumph who's car is more Triumph
> > ask you? :-) Okay, Harris Mann may have had his roots in another B/L
> > division...
> Try telling that to one of them. I have, it's not pretty!
> Here's another waving tale, happened last night. (I must be attracting
> some najor negative LBC energy). I was driving east down Lake Road (Rt.
> 6) here in NE Ohio through Avon Lake/Bay Village on my way to Circut
> City and passed a very nice white TR4. I waved, of course, and the guy
> gave me this blank stare. Well, on the way back, about an hour later, I
> pass the same guy, at about the same spot! I wave again, still no
> return. This time he did see me, because he turned and looked as he
> passed. I just shook my head. That is the first time I've been shunned
> by a fellow TR enthusiast!
> BUT, on the bright side, I got a thumbs up from a guy in a red Grand
> Prix this morning coming back from my haircut! There's also a local guy
> with a silver S2000 who waves every time he sees me.
> > I can just feel the flames.
> Is it getting warmer in here, or is it just my broken heater valve? :)
> Brian
> 1981 TR7 DHC