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oil filter

Subject: oil filter
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 09:04:26 -0500
>From: Fred Thomas <>
>Listers, any ideas as to why my oil stays so much cleaner, and so much
>longer when I use the spin-on instead of the cannister. This set-up is
>on a T/R 3, I usually use a Ford FL-1, but this trip I have a Fram PH
>3600, but, sure is a big difference under the same operating procedures
It sounds to me like the spin on filters are doing a better job.  I've heard
this comment before, so must be something to it.  I have the old paper filter,
and the oil gets pretty dark real quick.  I wonder if a felt filter would do any
better?  I guess I should spring for the spin on setup, but afraid I'll miss the
fun of trying to get the old cover off and back on without oil leaking all over
me and the floor.

>(old man, right lane @ 45mph.)
What, are you talking about me again???
See ya,

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