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Cylinder Heads - differences?

To: "SpitList" <spitfires@autox.team.net>,
Subject: Cylinder Heads - differences?
From: "Suzie" <suzie.singleton@virgin.net>
Date: Wed, 14 May 2003 13:08:32 +0100
Ok, I should know this and I'm sure I've seen it mentioned on the lists at
some point but after a quick search I'm none the wiser and hoping someone
will have a quick answer.

What, if any, is the difference between cylinder heads for Mk3 & 1500

I know I was told once that they were interchangeable but can't remember any
more details than that - and would like it confirmed or denied. And as a
follow on, how many varieties of cylinder head were there? Were the MkI & II
and IV different yet?


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