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Re: Subject: Re: shop manuals

Subject: Re: Subject: Re: shop manuals
Date: Fri, 5 Mar 2004 00:13:36 EST
In a message dated 3/4/04 7:53:12 PM Pacific Standard Time, 

> If you are wanting to look into MY competition-prepared engine not just any
> old engine, and you lose the protest, you pay what it costs to reassemble MY
> engine to its standard not the cost to reassemble any old motor to stock
> factory specs. (My guy charges almost a grand just to disassemble the
> thing!).
> MY engine does not get built by Shadetree Joe, I don't expect to have to
> endure his level of expertise (or lack of same) to un-build it just because

So, if you are protested on something where just the head comes off, and it 
has to come off at the event in order to adjudicate the protest, what do we do? 
 Fly in "your guy" at the protestor's expense?  Any competent shop can take 
that head off and re-assemble it at the flat rate amount.  That part isn't 
rocket science.  A complete engine teardown?  That's obviously more money...


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