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Re: Proposal for SP cars to compete in P ???

To: "Bruce Wentzel" <>,
Subject: Re: Proposal for SP cars to compete in P ???
From: "Rocky Entriken" <>
Date: Tue, 9 Oct 2001 18:24:36 -0500
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bruce Wentzel" <>

> > The top 5 in BSP beat the BP
> > runner-up and the BP winner would have been 3rd in BSP.
> Isn't it a little hard to compare North course times to South course

Well, now, you are quite correct. I neglected to look to see which of those
ran on the North.

Now I looked -- BP ran North Tuesday, BSP ran South Tuesday. Both were first
heat. With no class running both courses, I think consensus was North was a
couple of seconds longer.


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