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Sites Dwindling

Subject: Sites Dwindling
Date: Fri, 6 Apr 2001 14:11:45 EDT
In a message dated 4/6/01 10:16:10 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

> There may be more than one way to skin the cat.
> If you design a site with a central autocross pad with buildings or sound
> attenuation fences/devices around the pad, then your noise levels would be
> greatly reduced.  They are commonly used for subdivisions adjacent to
> freeways
> and such.  That would be an extra cost item but you never know until you
> explore
> .

Well, until you live in the SF Bay area, you can't really understand what we
face here...  We lost a site years ago due to our noise, from one complaint
from a "neighbor" about 1/2 to a mile away.  The fact that we actually made
less noise than the freeway that ran between us and the complainer made no
difference.  We lost the site.  We've since gotten the site back (it took 10
years), but can't use our PA system. 

I doubt there's any space in the Bay Area to build such a site, and if there
was, the land would be over $1 million in the size we need, and there would
be houses butted up against it.

Laguna Seca was there before the houses were built nearby, but the residents
make it very tough on Laguna Seca.  Reid-Hillview airport was there long
before the surrounding houses, but the residents have been trying to get it
closed for years.

Welcome to Northern California.


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