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Re: Sites dwindling

To: "washburn" <>,
Subject: Re: Sites dwindling
From: "Phil Ethier" <>
Date: Thu, 5 Apr 2001 21:53:55 -0500
From: washburn <>

>The Minneapolis/ St. Paul area is in dire straits in this area.  We have
>been displaced from 2 major sites in recent years and are out of options
>aside from the proverbial postage stamp lots.

This year has another problem.

The Corvettes of Minnesota club has had it's COMMANGSAC event every year for
about three decades now on the perfect military concrete at Minnesota Air
National Guard apron.  In more recent years, the base commander has
generously allowed a second event every year.  These events were run under
Met Council rules and were open to all autocrossers in the Twin Cities.

There are big construction projects at the airport this summer for several
purposes (including a stupid train from the MegaMall to downtown
Minneapolis, don't get me started).  This disruption has caused the base to
call off the events this year.

I wish MANG well in getting through their own and the airport's projects,
and look forward to next year, when I hope their relationship with COM can

We at Minnesota Autosports Club envy those who have great sites and hope to
be able to work as hard to obtain some again.  Remember, you must diversify.
Any site, no matter how solid it appears, can evaporate.  Canterbury Park
was great while it lasted, but a sports car council cannot compete with the
financial resources of the Ford Motor Company (our site is now covered with
Ranger Supercabs).  So work to get sites even when you think you don't need
them.  Work to keep relationships at present sites even if you don't think
you need them anymore.  MAC didn't, and now we are looking at a pretty bleak
site list.

Phil Ethier    Saint Paul  Minnesota  USA
1970 Lotus Europa, 1992 Saturn SL2, 1986 Suburban, 1962 Triumph TR4 CT2846L
Daughter Amanda has presented us with a second grandchild.  Sirena Mae
arrived on the first day of Spring 2001, weighing 7 pounds 3 ounces.

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