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Re: BSP Delorean

To: autox list <>
Subject: Re: BSP Delorean
From: Loren Williams <>
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2000 16:35:54 -0500

Mark Noeltner wrote:
> ROTHFLMAO!!  If a DeLorean took the BSP title from the Corvettes I'd love
> to shake that persons hand. Talk about mis-classed!! The DeLorean is in SS
> (due to the catch-all), or BSP against CORVETTES!!! Yeah, like a 2700 pound
> car with a SOHC V6 can catch them!

Didn't some of the DeLorean cars come with 302 Ford power?  I bet if a
person was willing to throw enough money and time at one, and they posessed
inhuman skill, they could do something with a DeLorean in BSP.

The Z cars only have a SOHC inline 6.  One of them won a few years ago.

> We take ours out a couple of times a year just for kicks, but there's no
> way a DeLorean will ever be competitive in these classes.

Has anyone ever built an SP DeLorean?  

Loren Williams |
'94 Saturn SC2 | Wichita Region SCCA -

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