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Re: BSP DeLorean

Subject: Re: BSP DeLorean
From: jon e prevo <>
Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2000 21:09:31 -0500
On Tue, 19 Sep 2000 18:14:23 -0500 Loren Williams <>
> But I still wonder... what sort of HP does the stock 240/260Z put 
> out? 

Some people will claim 200-205 but I believe realistically the best even
the best engine builders/tuners can expect is about 190.

> With open intake/exhaust and typical SP fuel injection, could this 
> "wimpy"
> French V6 put out enough power to motivate this 2700 lb car?

A lightweight Z runs in the neighborhood of 2300 in BSP trim.  2700 is a
lot of weight for that much engine.  Sounds more competitive with a neon
to me :-)  IF you can get the thing to turn...

> > They could sure do "something," but, of all the somethings they
> > could do, I bet "winning" isn't one of them.

I'm with you.

Jon FP 73
TCB Racing Datsun 260Z
TLS #73

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