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Re: BSP Delorean

To: "Loren Williams" <>, "autox list" <>
Subject: Re: BSP Delorean
From: "Rick Brown" <>
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2000 17:59:09 -0700
> Loren Williams wrote:
> Mark Noeltner wrote:
> >
> > ROTHFLMAO!!  If a DeLorean took the BSP title from the Corvettes I'd
> > to shake that persons hand. Talk about mis-classed!! The DeLorean is in
> > (due to the catch-all), or BSP against CORVETTES!!! Yeah, like a 2700
> > car with a SOHC V6 can catch them!
> Didn't some of the DeLorean cars come with 302 Ford power?  I bet if a
> person was willing to throw enough money and time at one, and they
> inhuman skill, they could do something with a DeLorean in BSP.
> The Z cars only have a SOHC inline 6.  One of them won a few years ago.

But ya gotta remember our Z's only weigh around 2300 lbs.  My old BSP car
was 2220 in fact, and I'd guess a good BSP Z motor would be around 200+hp.

Rick Brown
FP 240Z

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