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Re: BSP Delorean

To: "Loren Williams" <>, "autox list" <>
Subject: Re: BSP Delorean
From: "Jay Mitchell" <>
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2000 17:06:37 -0500
Loren Williams wrote:

>Didn't some of the DeLorean cars come with 302 Ford power?

No. A wimpy PeugeotRenaultVolvo V6 was all they ever got. And
hung out behind the back axle, too.

>  I bet if a
>person was willing to throw enough money and time at one, and
they posessed
>inhuman skill, they could do something with a DeLorean in BSP.

They could sure do "something," but, of all the somethings they
could do, I bet "winning" isn't one of them.

Just a guess, though.


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