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Re: BSP DeLorean

To: autox list <>
Subject: Re: BSP DeLorean
From: Loren Williams <>
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2000 20:04:57 -0500

Mark Noeltner wrote:
> Based off of my observations, CS and CSP. Wouldn't be a class killer, but
> it would at least be mid-pack instead of last.  :(  

Did you look at CSP & BSP times before you said that?  Sure, it sounds
good.  But in reality, the fastest BSP times and the fastest CSP times were
within about 2/10ths.  Mid-pack BSP is the same as CSP... about 110 seconds
combined.  BSP pax is .847 vs CSP's .844.

Perhaps DSP?  Fastest DSP time was 109 and change.  DeLorean... X-1/9

Eh, doesn't matter.  It'll stay in BSP until someone builds one and either
wins and gets bumped up... or proves that it can't win and gets it bumped
down.  How likely is that?

Loren Williams |
'94 Saturn SC2 | Wichita Region SCCA -

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