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Re: Driving Styles

To: <>
Subject: Re: Driving Styles
From: "Brad Cox" <>
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2000 15:43:14 -0500
>>If I try to drive conservative-and-clean, it typically turns out to be
clean-and-dog slow and the run is wasted anyway.<<

I'm glad somebody else has the same problem as me!  I definitely understand the 
intent of the whole "drive slow to go faster" thing, but when I drive 'slow', I 
go slow.  The only time I seem to do a good run is when my back's against a 
wall.  When I'm a bundle of nerves, and I know that I have to not only drive 
clean, but also drive the pee waddle doo out of my car, that's when I set my 
personal best times.  Maybe I'm too complacent or something, but I *need* the 
pressure to perform.  "Nothing to lose" situations don't work well for me 
either.  That's when I tend to overcook a corner or something.  Any 
psychiatrists out there got a theory for me?  ;-)

(usually slow no matter what)


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