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RE: Significant Other Class

To: "Kelly, Katie" <>, Justin Hughes <>,
Subject: RE: Significant Other Class
From: Craig Blome <>
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 1999 13:33:36 -0700 (PDT)

--- "Kelly, Katie" <> wrote:
> First of all, I think the S.O. name would have to
> change, because it just
> occurred to me that, hello, my co-driver Sandy
> Pessoney ran in BSL, while I
> ran in BS Open in Dallas. And doh, it just dawned on
> me that given my little
> soapbox rants, someone might think she is my s.o.
> Um, hello, uh, NO?

Bwahahaha.  Too late.  Did you really think we would
let truth get in the way of a good rumor?  :-)

> That being said, I really think that for the long
> term success of Solo II,
> we need to keep things, organizationally wise, as
> simple as possible.

> Of course, what I think really means SQUAT. 
Not agreed.  Especially since you have such a talent
for writing...being able to convince others amplifies
the meaning of what you think.  IMHO, of course.

> But seriously, I think Solo II's problem, if you can
> call it a problem, is
> that all the rulesmakers are autocrossers
> themselves.

Is that a problem?  It seems to work fine in lots of
other sports.  So far as ego and biases go, seems like
the SEB and advisory committees do a decent job of
keeping that out of the decision making process.  At
least I can't name an occasion when they didn't.

> And I think a second problem, or should I say
> reality, of autocross is that
> we all are own coaches.

Hmm...substitute the word "life" for "autocross" in
the above sentence and it's still valid.  Kinda makes
you think, eh?
> And I just don't think that's SCCA's or
> the SEB's job. I think their job is to make the
> rules FAIR.

I thought, though, that the original point was that it
is not _fair_ to force one's spouse or SO to be thrown
to the wolves with serious competitors, or at least to
have a parallel class, usually not as fast as open,
and make it open to women only.  (Yes, I remember some
of the best drivers run Ladies class...but look at the
standings at Topeka, for whatever reason most of the
ladies' classes aren't as fast as open.  Don't ask me
why.)  Should the rules attempt to redress this
imbalance?  I don't have an answer, but it's worth
trying to come up with one.

Ramble mode off,
Craig Blome

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