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Re: Significant Other Class

To: "Charles Spitzer" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Significant Other Class
From: "Justin Hughes" <>
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 1999 13:52:04 -0400
>seems to me this would solve a lot of problems i see in the present autox
>scheme; allowing one to race against their peers rather than being thrown
>from novice into a class where they may not do well for years, if ever.
>this would also prevent someone from being totally disheartened and leaving
>the sport.

Interesting suggestion - I see plenty of merit in it.  Unfortunately, I also
doubt that it'll happen.  Look at our current class system, based on just
the car and its preparation level.  That in itself is so complicated that
many would probably rebel at even more classes on top of it - particularly
those whose regions have few enough entrants in each class as it is now.
Something like what you suggest, which has loads of merit and I personally
like a lot, would go quite far toward turning the class system into the
DSP/C/novice/ladies/Buddhist thing we've been joking about. :)  Although the
driver is most of the equation, the car is important too, and it would be
foolish to ditch or completely revise the system we have now that works
quite fairly for that purpose.  Do we really want to use PAX to adjust every
time for every driver in every car at every event in a class system based
solely on driver skill?  It would be possble, but I doubt we would.

    - Justin

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