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Re: Protest Oil Companies

To: <>, <>
Subject: Re: Protest Oil Companies
Date: Fri, 09 Apr 99 13:25:49 -0500
     Author:  Rocky Entriken <RENTRIKEN/0003006623@MCIMAIL.COM> wrote:
     >Must be nasty on the left coast. Just got a post from someone there 
     >on an unrelated topic where he mentioned his gas prices are nearly 
     >double mine here in Middle America! Nearing $2/gal!
     <rant mode on>
     Gas is cheap even at $2 a gallon.  Move anywhere else and see what 
     kind of price you pay.  Americans have long enjoyed artificially low 
     gas prices.  I hope it goes to $2 a gallon and stays there.  Serve all 
     the SUV drivin' folk right.   Maybe car companies will start 
     developing more fuel efficient cars, instead of just bigger cars.  
     <rant mode off>
     Scott Phelps
     88 Yugo GVX EP

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