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Protest Oil Companies

To: Wheel to Wheel <>,
Subject: Protest Oil Companies
From: Rocky Entriken <RENTRIKEN/0003006623@MCIMAIL.COM>
Date: Fri, 09 Apr 1999 12:18:04 -0500 (EST)
The following was sent to me today by a racer friend (not the person whose
name appears at the bottom ... it has apparently been through a few forwards

It intrigues me as a unique form of boycott ... one in which the boycotted
businesses actually do not lose a dime in the grander scheme of things, but
still get this perceived "hit." We are all gonna buy the gas anyway, we just
time-shift when we do it to leave a hole in their calendar. Interesting 

Must be nasty on the left coast. Just got a post from someone there on an
unrelated topic where he mentioned his gas prices are nearly double mine here
in Middle America! Nearing $2/gal!

--Rocky Entriken

>It's time we did something about the price of gasoline
>in America!  We are all sick and tired of high prices
>when there are literally millions of gallons in
>Know what I found out?  If there was just ONE day when
>no one purchased any gasoline, prices would drop
>The so-called oil cartel has decided to slow production
>by some 2 million barrels per day to drive up the
>price.  I have decided to see how many Americans we can
>get to NOT BUY ANY GASOLINE on one particular day!
>Let's have a GAS OUT!  Do not buy any gasoline on APRIL
>30, 1999!!!!!
>Buy on Thursday before, or Saturday after. Do not buy
>any gasoline on FRIDAY, APRIL 30, 1999. In fact mark
>Thursday in your date book or electronic organizer so
>you don't forget to fill up. And mark Friday as GAS OUT
>Wanna help?  Send this message to everyone you know.
>Ask them to do the same. All we need is a few million
>to participate in order to make a difference.
>We CAN make a difference.
>Paul Forbes
>Jason Mellein
>Bill Dwinell
>Lake Placid, Florida
>ICQ #6973182
>For large files use:

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