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Re: SP Proposal

To: Scotty *BOB* White <>
Subject: Re: SP Proposal
From: Jay Mitchell <>
Date: Fri, 02 Apr 1999 21:39:50 -0800
Scotty *BOB* White wrote:

>    Ranting and whining? I love this, but yer skills at picking a fight are
> gettin pretty soft jay.

Uhh, who's pickin' a fight? I was making a simple statement of fact.

> Interesting that an overwhelming *M-A-J-O-R-I-T-Y*
> of the SPAG and SEB decided it was a good idea too, hmmmmm...

Or maybe they just decided to give you what you wanted so you'd go

>    And of all the top ASPers that were there in 97 none of them were
> prepared and focused like I was,

So NOW you know what your competitors were thinking AND exactly what
they had done to their cars? Can you walk on water, too?  ;<)

>the ASP class is being dominated in the
> top 5 by drivers that have ample room for improvement.

Like Shauna and Curt? I didn't say it, you did....

> or Gary T or Milligan in one of those cars and its gonna get ugly real
> quick!!

Uhhh, Scotty, Gary DID campaign an ASP Lotus, although it was a Europa.
Won, too. Was HE a "weak" driver back in '87 when he did that?


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