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Re: What Class Would This Hybrid Go In?

Subject: Re: What Class Would This Hybrid Go In?
From: Paul Czarnecki <>
Date: Sun, 14 Feb 1999 18:24:20 -0500
And my advice to Debbie is a bit gentler.

Don't worry about what engine is in your car!  You are a novice about to do
your first autocross.  Just go out and have some fun.  Put the car is the
right (or wrong) class and don't sweat it.  If you are in the "wrong" class
because your new engine has a glowing green framistat instead of a suede
one, note that on your entry form, tell all your competitors, and relax.

Only once you start WINNING do you need to know about the condition of your

Paul Czarnecki
Listen.  Do.  MacSpeech.

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