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Re: What Class Would This Hybrid Go In?

Subject: Re: What Class Would This Hybrid Go In?
From: Debbie Stohn <>
Date: Sat, 13 Feb 1999 23:32:50 -0800 wrote:

> In a message dated 2/13/99 10:13:41 PM US Eastern Standard Time,
> writes:
> > I have an '87 Integra that has had a replacement engine installed
> >  (DOHC).  Tokico Illuminator shocks, catback muffler and K&N panel
> >  filter... I'm new at autox and wondered where this beast would fit?
> >  Thanks in advance...
> >  Debbie (2NCES) Stohn
> >  NER
> The shocks, air filter, and muffler all leave you in stock.  The question is
> the engine.
> If it is a stock engine out of another 87 Integra, you stay in stock.
> If it is an engine out of an 86, 88, or 89, you go into D Street Prepared
> (Unless it has had some major internal engine work done, in which case you go
> to E Prepared)
> If it has any other engine in it, you end up in Mod.
> Paul Zahornasky
> 29 HS 87 Integra

Many thanks for the reply, Paul.... The info is much appreciated... I guess I'll
be opening the hood and looking for any identifying features tomorrow!!! And
probably giving the former owner a call...
Paul... how long have you been racing, and how did you get started?  How have 
got your Integra set up?  Someone mentioned toe-in and camber a while back and I
wondered how you're set?
I'll be looking for you at NER events...

Debbie (2NCES) Stohn

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