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Re: Should Integra Type R's be in Stock Category?

Subject: Re: Should Integra Type R's be in Stock Category?
Date: Sat, 6 Feb 1999 18:33:09 EST
In a message dated 99-02-06 01:44:11 EST, writes:

<<  Uh, "shouldn't" by what metric, Chuck?  1300 in 2 years?  There were
 fewer than 1900 R package Miatas built in 4 years...should it be
 knocked out?  What about 1LE's?  Z07 Vettes?  M030's especially?  You
 get the picture...if the Type R is dominating a class, move it to a
 faster class.  But the rules must apply equally to all cars, if there
 be a point to having rules.  >>

I think we should be more aggressive both before and after the fact.  We
should've banned 1LEs and M030s right up front.  Part of the reasoning behind
allowing 1LEs, Z07s, etc. is that you can easily build one if you want.  You
can NOT easily make a GSR into a Type R.

My feeling is that 3000/year of a model should be a minimum.  Where to draw
the line as to what is a different model is the problem with the Type R.
Different motor might be one place.  That would make a Type R a different
model, but not make a !LE different.


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