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RE: Should Integra Type R's be in Stock Category?

To: "Matt Murray" <>, <>
Subject: RE: Should Integra Type R's be in Stock Category?
From: "Kevin Stevens" <>
Date: Sat, 6 Feb 1999 18:51:30 -0800
> The 1k and the Integra are "cyrstal clear" (to quote Jack
> Nicholson in "A Few Good Men") to me. Are you sure you are not a
> little fuzzy on it? I guess I didn't understand the part of the Integra
> classified in  Aug. last year.

And that classification can be changed by the SEB at any time up to August
of this year, or between seasons anytime.  That's correct.

> Charlie, it seems as though you are now complaining about the
> exact type of scenarios that you ruled on (and over) during your tenure
> on the  SCAC. Lemmy see, by your current views, then the Neon ACRs
> should be packed away with the Camaro 1LEs, Type-Rs. I think the ACR
> and Type-R are a very good parallel. They were handled in the same
> manner. You were involved with ACR  weren't you? Or were
> you on vacation that week?

If you quit revving your engine so high, maybe the ringing in the ears will
go away.  Charlie said quite plainly that he doesn't agree with those
decisions, either.  Or did you picture him as some sort of SCAC czar?  It is
and was a COMMITTEE.  The members get to have their very own opinions.

> As far as a M030, it is the same as ordering alloy wheels instead of steel
> wheels (except Hondas, of course), or an MR2 with a solid roof,
> instead of a T-Top. Almost any Porsche can be ordered with a Sport Package
> or "M030".

Right.  And any Camaro can be ordered with 1LE.  And any Acura can be
ordered as a '97-98 Type R.  Oh, what?  They can't?  And if there is a 2000
Type R it will be a "complete redesign"?  Hmmm...

I don't blame y'all for being a little defensive.  You have an advantageous
classification for a very low production car that was made for exactly two
years.  I'd be defensive in that situation, too; if I somehow found myself
in it.


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