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RE: Commuting in a TR6

To: "'jason meshnick'" <jmesh@yahoo.com>, <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: RE: Commuting in a TR6
From: "Hugh Barber" <tr6nut@sbcglobal.net>
Date: Sat, 21 May 2005 14:57:43 -0700
Jason Meshnick wrote:Just wondering if I'm crazy. I'm considering purchase
of a TR6 which will be used partly on a 1 hour daily commute that will
involve highways and traffic. It has o/d. Any thoughts-I'd love to be talked
out of this.


Twenty years ago, I worked graveyard shift.  I lived in Livermore, CA then
and my commute was 40 miles each way, most of it on a road that wound
through the hills to San Jose.  During the time that I worked grave shift (3
years), I drove my TR6 to work almost every day and enjoyed almost every
mile of my commute.  Later, when I was promoted and moved to day shift, I
found that my commute involved lots of traffic, and along with the traffic
came stop-and-go driving.  I found that it was not as much fun to commute in
my TR6 and the stop-and-go driving seemed to cause a lot more wear and tear
on the car.  I started using the TR for my weekend fun stuff and switched to
an automatic transmission, air-conditioned economy car for the commute
Of course, YMMV

Hugh Barber
Hollister, CA
'73 TR6

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