I use an IO Port mount with strap. It's SCCA approved.
My camera is a Sony TRV 65 (?) 72 x zoom. It works OK
but does get upset at about 7000RPM. I have been told that it's
the tape mech that cause the picture to crumble, not the camera,
so a better idea might be a separate camera and recorder so the
recorder can be mounted more shock resistant. Or better yet,
get a lipstick camera and a transmitter.
Walt Boeninger - Nor Cal SAAC 67 GT500 | 67 Shelby T-A #31
http://www.norcal-saac.org 71 Boss 351 | 97 5.0 Explorer
Email: walt@hpwrcxe.mayfield.hp.com <space> | 86 Mustang GT
FOR SALE: 68 Corvette Roadster.