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RE: Changing oil filter with full oil system

To: "Triumph (E-mail)" <>
Subject: RE: Changing oil filter with full oil system
From: Randall Young <ryoung@NAVCOMTECH.COM>
Date: Wed, 14 Aug 2002 08:47:27 -0700 l lc>
> The question- can I change oil filters without draining the oil all over
> again?  By eyeballing where I think the "cold oil level" would be on the
> motor, I dont think this will lead to the "oil leak of death" out
> ofhte filter
> housing...or am I way off somewher?

Should be no problem, except of course you've got that quart of old oil from
the old filter mixed in with the new oil.  IMO nothing to worry about unless
the old oil was really cruddy for some reason.  After all, this is exactly
the procedure recommended in the TR2/3 shop manual, etc.

> Any tricks to getting TR4 spinons, off?  Cant access the top of the filter
> either from above or below b/c of super cramped space...wont budge when I
> twist with two hands...strap wrentch?  Any other ideas?

I do my TR3A from below, with a big pair of pliers.  One trick I used on
other cars (don't recall if I've ever done it on a TR or not) is to drive a
big screwdriver through the filter and use it for a handle to loosen the old

>  Easier when car is hot or cold?

The old time books all say to drain the oil hot, but I got tired of burning
my hands and arm all the time.  IMO changing it cold (or at least tepid) is
much easier ...


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