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Re: TR4: overdrive click-click-clicking (long)

Subject: Re: TR4: overdrive click-click-clicking (long)
Date: Sat, 18 May 2002 11:25:42 EDT
> 2. I haven't removed and cleaned the filter yet. It looks like I
> just remove the plug on the bottom, remove the bolt and filter.
> Right?

I'd sure do this first.  The probability is very high that this is your 
problem.  It's easy and a cheap fix.  If the screen is occluded with crap you 
will in effect get low pressure and malfunction.  We have a tendancy to go to 
the most complicated
repair first, but I've found it's usually the simple stupid stuff, Thank the 
good buddha.
Bob Paul
Corrales NM

BTW, a few years ago I communicated with a fellow in S Florida who was 
rebuilding OD trannys. He sent me a T shirt from the Mayport Fort George 
Music & Seafood Festival. I think he lived on Fort George Island.  Real nice 
guy.  I lost his info.  Anyone know of him?

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