At 15:32 23/02/98 -0800, you wrote:
It's not right to assume you have "little or no back pressure". The gases
are accelerated in the exhaust system every time an ex. valve opens, so
there must be back pressure, even if the resistance to flow is very low.
Furthermore, exhaust systems are designed so that the standing pressure
waves produced within them do not inhibit (and even encourage) outflow from
the head the fluctuating pressure near the head goes low just before the
valve opens).
In fact, it's possible to get worse performance by fitting headers, if the
lengths of the pipes aren't carefully worked out.
Try to find someone with the same exhaust modifications as yours, and
compare notes. Try the muffler, too!
Allen Nugent
Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering
University of New South Wales
Sydney 2052 Australia