Texas Instruments has had for a number of years an "Expert System"
development kit that has all the tools to create expert systems. All ya
gotta add is the "Expert". It came out of their "AI Lab". If anybody on
the list is close to TI at this time, you might check into the
availability of this development kit and even better, see if one is
available at no cost for such "humane" purposes. I'd check myself but
alas it has been almost 11 years since they cut back their computer
division and decided they no longer required my services. But that's
another story entirely!!!
Joe Curry
Bruce T. Clough wrote:
> Folks,
> Ian (the other Clough that haunts this list) is right on.
> An expert system diagnostic routine isn't that hard to code up. We use
> these quite a bit in the aerospace industry. They're loaded up on
> diagnostic PCs that the maintainer takes out to the aircraft. I've
> done these as flow diagrams for early TR fuel and electrical systems -
> in fact, some of you who went to TRA 95 might still have them.
> (don't ask me for one, though, who knows where I put them) I'd trade a
> case of good beer for such an application package.
> Bruce Clough
> '81 TR7 (For Sale)
> '62 TR4
> ... & lots of heavy American iron...
> BTW: I would ask that the documentation be in printed form. I hate the usual
> "soft" help.
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to travel across the country coast to coast without seeing
anything." -- Charles Kuralt