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Re: Mosport & Canadian Customs

To: Gerald Brazil <>
Subject: Re: Mosport & Canadian Customs
From: "Wm. Severin Thompson" <>
Date: Thu, 02 Apr 1998 09:10:12 -0600

I am by no means an "expert" when it comes to crossing the Canadian border. I
always have a passport and a copy of my birth certificate. Maybe if you're
driving across a driver's license will do... something we should get clarified.

As far as fitting the profile of a pervert... coming from a gut who constantly
wears a train "choo choo" hat, and looks like the quintisential "Scoutmaster",
I'll take that as a compliment.

New gig.... selling internet, intranet, extranet security/encryption
software... for secure virtual private networks. Cusomers include branches of
the Canadian government, law enforcement, Chase Manhattan Bank, JP Morgan.
Other candidates would include the insurance industries, health care providers,
law firms... any one who's information security is an issue. The scary thing
about information is that it can be at 2 places at one time... and you as the
rightful owner to it can be completely unaware that it's left your control. As
I told you in an earlier mail... the downside to the new cable modems is it's
like being on an old "party line"... anything that's shared on your home
computer can be viewed with little effort by total strangers.

SO, if you are in one of the above industries, or are in a corporate
environment where access or restricted access to information is an issue ...
pass on some leads folks. Baby needs shoes. (Obviously I'm not putting my hard
earned dollars in to ol' #99, the Red Rat Bastard.)

Capitalist Pig

Gerald Brazil wrote:

> WST, I have a serious question that your little story raised. You mentioned
> passport. I wasn't aware that we needed to present passports to enter/leave
> Canada. This is more than an academic question, because I am considering
> Mosport and my current passport is due to expire in a few days and I wasn't
> planning to renew it since I have no foreign travel plans. If I need it to
> get in and out of Canada, I better get it renewed.
> On other topics....maybe the customs guys thought you fit the profile of a
> pervert.
> Also, what's with the new job? What kind of snake oil are you selling now?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Wm. Severin Thompson <>
> To: Team Thicko List <>
> Date: Wednesday, April 01, 1998 9:04 AM
> Subject: Mosport & Canadian Customs
> >Greetings listers...
> >
> >Yes, I know I've been a little quiet lately.... new job and all. But,
> >rest assured, I will return to being my most annoying self very soon.
> >
> >Canadian Customs... no, no, no... not the "Let drink a case of beer and
> >go shine us some deer, eh?" customs.... no, the type that look at your
> >passport and make your travel hell.
> >
> >The new company I'm working for is based in Ottawa. In all my extensive
> >business travel, worldwide, I can state here for the record... Canadian
> >Customs are the biggest pain in the ass. If I may, let me relate to you
> >my most recent experience...
> >
> >I arrive at the customs booth, present my passport. "Ahh, Mr.
> >Thompson.... how long will you be staying? What's the reason for your
> >visit? Blah, blah, blah... would you please step over there? See the
> >gentleman standing by the office? He's waiting for you.." What? This
> >guy's pointing me toward the cavity search room. The guy standing
> >there's got a look on his face I never want to see again. I clench my
> >cheeks, pick up my garment bag, and cautiously step in to the office.
> >
> >"So, Mr. Thompson... Mr. William. S. Thompson... your birthday... it's
> >January 27th, 1956?" Yes... that's correct." "And you reside in Lake
> >Villa, IL?" "Yes." "What's your middle name?" " Severin", I said...
> >getting a very bad feeling about this whole deal. "What's your marital
> >status?" "Have you ever been to Maine?" "Have you ever lived in
> >California?" etc., etc., etc.
> >
> >Finally, after 20 questions this guy relaxes a little bit. I figure it's
> >time to mount the offensive (and you all know how offensive I can
> >be...). "So", I began, " you have a lot of problems with with William
> >Thompsons, do you?" "Well, not most", he said... "but one in
> >particular... a William S. Thompson, with your birth date of 1/27/56 is
> >wanted on rape charges." "Only your middle name... Severin, is
> >different." (How wacked is that?) I say..." Well the other morning, my
> >wife might have been a little groggy... it was early... but I assure you
> >it was consensual!"
> >
> >He advises me to keep my passport with me at all times. I decide I'd
> >better not smuggle that box of Cuban cigars on the way home...
> >
> >I look forward to seeing some of you at the Mosport race.... that is if
> >they let me in the country. Imagine how bad it will be when they get a
> >look at my car....
> >
> >
> >Flounder
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >

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