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Re: Tunnel Cover Insulation

To: David <popeye444@comcast.net>
Subject: Re: Tunnel Cover Insulation
From: Henry Stike <stiker2126@yahoo.com>
Date: Fri, 1 Sep 2006 12:03:25 -0700 (PDT)
Victoria Brittish sell some insulation stuff, its near
the front of catalogue... get some good spray adhease
(3-m) to hold it on

--- David <popeye444@comcast.net> wrote:

> Team,
> Can anyone point me to a good material to use to
> insulate the under side of
> the tunnel cover?  I just got a new fiberglass one
> and want to put it back
> on right.  Heck, might as well do the firewall and
> under the carpet as well.
> I went to Home Depot and found something that looked
> like bubblewrap but was
> silver in color on both sides and designed to wrap a
> hot water heater.  This
> might be ok for some areas but I'm concerned about
> heat and road debris on
> the underside of the tunnel cover.  Should I just
> put it on the top of the
> cover but under the carpet?  I found a product at
> Schucks Speedshop which
> looks a bit like fiberglass matt (without resin) and
> has a metal foil on one
> side.  It wasn't very thick but perhaps still good,
> I don't know.  However,
> It was designed for this purpose.  The problem is
> that it costs $69 for just
> a bit more than I would need for the tunnel cover. 
> Seems a bit spendy to
> me.
> Any ideas?  Mail order source at better prices?
> Thanks everyone.
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