Getting ready to change leaky font seal. No way the crankshaft pulley
nut is coming off. Using 1 and 13/16 socket, 1/2 inch breaker bar, 3
foot long pipe on bar, 4th gear, person holding brakes on and the
engine still turns over slowly under the force applied. Clutch is new
but the applied force (counter clockwise) is causing it to slip round.
Positioned all of the above to leverage against the garage floor,
disconnected the coil lead to prevent engine starting in case it came
loose and bumped the starter several times - nothing. My compressor is
only good for 100 psi so the impact wrench had no effect. Nut has been
doused with Releasall. Next stop seems to be to get to a garage with
much more powerful impact wrench.
Any suggestions?
Robert - 78 Spitfire