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RE: Misc. Questions after a Long Drive

To: "Glenn" <>, <>
Subject: RE: Misc. Questions after a Long Drive
From: "Jim Stuart" <>
Date: Sun, 2 Oct 2005 23:25:20 -0400
In-reply-to: <>
Reply-to: "Jim Stuart" <>
You have enough radiator, but not enough fan. I suggest a 16" puller of
around 3000 cfm. Try Rainbow Products. If you space the radiator forward,
you should have enough room.

The heat shield is a good idea. Cut one from a cookie sheet or buy one from
Glenn Towery.

Heat soak of the starter has always been a problem. Get a gear reduction
starter from D & D Fabrications. It is smaller, so has more clearance from
the headers, & is much more powerful than the Buick or Vega starters. D & D
can also send you the correct needles for your carb. That may or may not
help the surging. I have never had this problem, but I know the stock
needles/jets are not correct for your 3.9.

You didn't say what rear end you are using. If it is the stock MGB, you are
turning a lot more revs than necessary, which makes the engine run hot. Also
read your spark plugs after a run. You may need a cooler plug and also check
your timing. Too much advance will make for a hot engine.

Jim Stuart

Reply to <>

-----Original Message-----
From: []On
Behalf Of Glenn
Sent: Sunday, October 02, 2005 10:24 PM
Subject: Misc. Questions after a Long Drive

I haven't been active on the list for the last few
years, as I haven't put many miles on the BV8.  I
recently moved back South (upstate SC) and believe
I'll start driving it a lot more.

On Sunday, I put about 150 miles on it on a drive up
into the mountains near the NC border.  Sunny,
temperatures 80-85 degrees.

While the car certainly got me home, there were some
opportunities for improvement.

Car Details:

Rebuilt 3.9 engine with mild Crane Cam
Buick 215 Intake Manifold
Edelbrock 500 carb with stock jets
RV8 hearders
Early Mustang Radiator
10" pusher fan mounted directly to radiator
Cooling system recently flushed
Water wetter being used


1.  High Temps.  The car wasn't driven much in upstate
NY on 85 degree days, so this is new to me.  The
engine ran 1-2 needles above N at cruise speeds.  When
I got into a very twisty mountain section or into a
stop/go small town traffic, it went to within 1 needle
of H.  I finally backed off the "spirited" driving,
but that is the reason I went up into the mountains to
begin with.  Suggestions?

2.  Surging.  I seem to have a bit of "surging" at
partial throttle.  It goes away when I accelerate.
This is best noticed while at cruise speed.  It just
seem as smooth as it should be.  Should I consider
changing the needles in the carb?

3.  Hot start problem.  This one has always been with
me.  If I shut the car off while it is warm, let it
sit (say over lunch), and try to start it, it always
starts hard.  I'm guessing that I'm boiling the fuel
in the carb.  It has never failed to start, but it has
made me nervous a few times.  Would adding a heat
sheild between the carb and the manifold help?

Thanks for the help.



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